Friday, September 25, 2009

A Theme

here are some things to think about:

what do the images we see say about our selves? our collective memory? our justifications of the past, present, future? how do the images we see impact the way we understand, dream, describe, imagine, and forget? is it possible for even two people to see the exact same thing in the exact same way? what is it that makes an image so meaningful? or meaningless? an original? a copy? contrived? accidental? both? how do you see your life, your reality, your narrative, represented? 

it seems like there are so many questions we can ask concerning the nature and representation of the world we see around us. placement, multitude, shape, direction,  interest, passion (among many other things) of aesthetics are expressed and reproduced constantly. 

what is it about photography that allows each of us to understand it differently?  as individuals, or as a collective, our generation uses different tools and different ways to access and express.

so, what does it all mean? how do you see it?

The Eye of Our Generation
What We See Through the Lens, and How We See it.

there is so so so much to say. say something. anything. many things. 

a new school year
